Guarding Sheep, Pursuing Wolves, Saving Sheepdogs
Romans 13:4-5 (NLT)
4 The authorities are God’s servants, sent for your good. But if you are doing wrong, of course you should be afraid, for they have the power to punish you. They are God’s servants, sent for the very purpose of punishing those who do what is wrong. 5 So you must submit to them, not only to avoid punishment, but also to keep a clear conscience.
Helping You Achieve Success
We offer support and resources for LEO’s “Law Enforcement Officers” & Dispatchers who want help with:
We can help your agency with proper protocols for funerals, arranging for extra support for the agency during the days immediately following the incident, making sure the family is aware of the benefits available to them, and more. The more you prepare and train in ADVANCE, the better for all!
family issues (we have programs for spouses and families)
financial matters
suicide prevention, intervention, and follow-up
alcohol and/or substance abuse problems
spiritual issues
other personal concerns
Why we do this?
We do this because
we have seen it help other Officers and Dispatchers.
We do this because
it works!
We do this because
it’s needed and it makes sense.
The life expectancy of a cop is 59 years (78.56 years for civilians)
There are 125-150 cop suicides each year; two to three times as many cops kill themselves each year than are killed by a bad guy!
There is a 72% divorce rate among 10-year veterans.
Alcoholism among cops is twice the national average.
Domestic abuse is twice the national average.
The life expectancy of a cop is 59 years (78.56 years for civilians)
There are 125-150 cop suicides each year; two to three times as many cops kill themselves each year than are killed by a bad guy!
There is a 72% divorce rate among 10-year veterans.
Alcoholism among cops is twice the national average.
Domestic abuse is twice the national average.
Statute 36-21-14
The Peer Support appointment form is on this website under the Members Only section. Download and complete the form which includes having your Chief/Sheriff sign the order, you can mail the form to:
LT. (Retired) Heath Carpenter, SBI
Lead Instructor, ALLEAPS
1450 Ross Clark Circle, Suite 3
Dothan, AL 36301
Tim P. Faulk, PhD, CTTS
Clinical Director, ALLEAPS
1450 Ross Clark Circle, Suite 3
Dothan, AL 36301
Statewide Peer Support Dispatch
Since October 2017, ALLEAPS has worked to develop and provide a quality peer support program with the goals of assisting law enforcement officers experiencing personal and/or professional stress-related problems . All peer support communication is privileged and confidential per Alabama Statue 36-21-14.
The goal of Peer Support in Alabama is to make contact with an officer or an agency within thirty minutes of receiving the call; and provide a consistent and effective standard of care for those who answer the call and protect others.
Should you or your agency need assistance, please call: (833) 219-2461
Heath Carpenter, LT (Retired), SBI
ALLEAPS/Lead Instructor
(334) 726-3250
Tim P. Faulk, PhD
ALLEAPS, Clinical Director
(334) 701-9624
John Gallups, Chaplain
ALLEAPS, Chaplain Coordinator
(334) 201-2432